
What I do

Working with individuals

Coaching is a partnership in being thoughtful and intentional about how we change.

I typically provide a combination of coaching and advising focused on a set of development areas identified by you. At the start we create a coaching agreement that articulates our intentions, responsibilities, and logistics of working together. We then identify your goals and desired outcomes, decide which assessments to use, and where to seek other information about you that would be helpful. We begin meeting regularly, working in parallel on individuals topics that you raise and longer term goals.

Most people begin with an initial focus on either professional goals (“I want to drive more successful outcomes in the organization I’m leading”) or personal ones (“I want to be happier and less stressed”).

Over time, all roads usually lead to an interconnected set of factors relating to your values, your ambitions, your confidence, your skills, your relationships and your decision-making.

Changing and growing is about your ability to understand and manage your emotions, the way you think, the conflicts you have with others, how you learn, how productive you are, and the mindsets with which you approach life.

Being our happiest, best, and most energized and successful selves involves understanding and navigating these different dimensions of ourselves.

Most people I coach and advise sit atop large, growing organizations, but I also coach individual contributors, too.

Working with organizations

I tend to work with a small number of organizations over long periods of time. Most organizational work grows from coaching and advising work I do with a leader and their team. Organizational work includes leadership development training, improved teaming, strategy, change management, culture development, organizational design, and change management.

Each engagement is unique: they come in different shapes and sizes, and they evolve over time.

And I work half-time at the Data Sciences Platform team at the Broad Institute.